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Detox diet, how to lose weight and detox naturally

Written By klachinko on mercredi 17 juillet 2013 | 19:45

Detox diet, how to lose weight and detox naturally

    The detox diet is nothing more than a quick detox regime that promises to speed up your metabolism and lose weight , freeing the body of excess toxins taken in the form of food contaminants and polluted environment outside. This diet is very popular by Hollywood stars to purify and get rid of excess toxins in a few days, maybe before a big event, such as the parade on the Red Carpet. But our body really needs to detoxify all of a sudden in a few days with food and juice cleansing? To answer this question, dispelling some of the myths of thedetox diet, is Dr. Frank Sacks of Harvard School of Public Health. The body, says the expert, is designed to rid itself of excess toxins. There is no evidence, at the biological level, the need for extreme detox formulas and external to ingest to purify. On many sites are selling ready formulas, designed for a detox diet but experts warn that often these regimes, based on dietary detoxifying concoctions, and excessively low-calorie, can be downright dangerous. Therefore given much attention.

But the detox diet work? And what makes you lose weight? This is one of the main questions he puts to those who approach this regime, often the first, although the first place we should always be concerned about the safety of a diet, as well as its effectiveness. Well, about the weight that allows you to lose the detox diet, registered dietitian Connie Diekman of Washington University, explains that ingest almost exclusively made ​​with lemon juice concentrates and other detoxifying substances can also lose a lot of weight, but often you will rediscover the interests as soon as it takes to feed properly. Sharply reduce caloric intake, in fact, leads us to lose lean muscle mass that burns calories more. The body gets used to receive a few calories and activates a power saving mechanism that leads us to burn less fat. As pointed out by Dr. Sacks:

Our body is programmed to efficiently expel toxins through the colon and the work of organs such as the liver and kidneys. We do not need pills, potions and detox diets to help the body to do what it is programmed.
The side effects of a detox diet based on an excessively low caloric intake include nausea, lack of energy, muscle aches, nervousness, low blood sugar sudden disruption of the normal chemical balance of the body. One or two days of detox diet for many adults do not pose a risk, but for the chronically ill, pregnant women and the elderly even a few hours of this diet may expose you to serious risks to your health.
The good news is that it can be purified in a natural way every day without attacking the body. How do you explain Dr. Christine Gerbstadt, author of Doctor's Detox Diet. First we have to introduce in our diet unrefined foods and not processed, better to opt for organic products that do not contain residues of chemical pesticides. To lose weight safely, jotting down a few pounds every week, just a diet of 1600 calories. We need to drink plenty of water, consume dairy products in moderation and only low-fat, whole grains, vegetables, lean protein and fruit.

Yes to all fiber-rich foods to be included in our menu every day. The fibers, in fact, facilitate intestinal transit and help us depurarci in a natural way, without forcing. No instead the excess of alcohol that intoxicates the body and gives us a healthy appearance. Among the foods and drinks most effective detox recommended by the dietician include fruits, green leafy vegetables, lemons, watercress, green tea, broccoli sprouts, sesame seeds, cabbage and fiber psyllium powder. A diet naturally detoxifying and healthy that can be carried forward for a long time, as opposed to aggressive detox regimes, and that, combined with exercise done regularly, can afford to get fit without risk to health

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